Challenge: Tell the user that one of their favorite bands is playing live in their town. How would you compel them to want to go?
My approach
As I tackled this challenge, I focused on the fact that the user was a casual fan who only occasionally went to concerts. Since they may passively look at a notification like this, I used a question for my headline to pique interest and persuade them to look at the body text. I wanted to get the message across that their favorite band was playing and make buying tickets easy for them. I chose to use a conversational tone.
I created two different variations:
Version 1:
Guess who’s in town?
Coldplay is playing at a venue near you, Kate. Skip your next listen and watch them live instead. Buy tickets in-app.
Version 2:
Guess who’s in town?
Coldplay is playing at a venue near you, Kate. Skip your next listen and go see them live. Grab your tickets now.